Tuesday 5 April 2011

on this day...

I am grateful for:

- having handed in my first essay as a postgrad. I’m not confident that it’s that great, and writing it was stressful, but having finished I feel back into the swing of it and am much more confident in my ability to tackle the other four.

- having use of the staffroom in the department building at uni, there is nothing better than free coffee, especially when it gets you through a long lecture late in the day (and its free, woo!)

- my dog, shes so cute and her love is unconditional… although right now I think it might have something to do with the fact that I’m eating my dinner, and shes giving me a look like shes never been fed and is fading away… but at least she’ll still love me when I’m finished eating (with her help, of course)

- my mum, for many reasons, including that she made the dinner I’m currently eating: minestrone soup with toasted Italian panini (olive tapenade, fresh tomatoes, bocconcini cheese and a sprinkling of thyme, all toasted in the oven).

- knowing that its going to be okay… my personal little world has been unbalanced of late, and for a while there I did fear that the darkness that, years ago, I had to fight long and hard to banish from my life, was going to return and consume my ability to be happy and comfortable in my own skin… but I feel it ebbing away again now, it'll take some time for it to go completely, but at least this time it only took weeks to overcome, instead of years, and I'm going to take as a good sign. It’ll try and come back, but I’m confident I have the strength within myself to banish it again. I just wish everyone knew that they had the strength within themselves to create their own happiness.

Off to the conservation labs at the Australian Maritime Museum tomorrow! Should be an interesting learning experience, and I’m really looking forward to it!

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