Sunday, 23 January 2011

more hours in the day, please!

So much to do, so little time!
I blame craft. It’s entirely too enticing, the possibilities are fantastic and endless, and my craft room is a testament to this. So many projects half finished, so many yet to be started.
The fact that I have the attention span of a goldfish at times and a tendency to be easily distracted, especially by shiny things (ooh shiny!) probably doesn’t help, but neither do craft sales, especially when fabric and patterns are on sale. How could I resist? I only have so much self control, and most of that is holding cravings for coffee and chocolate at bay. Now there’s the mad rush to get as much done as possible, before the university semester starts and I have absolutely no spare time whatsoever. But of course, I can’t do one thing until I’ve finished ten others. It’s frustrating and overwhelming, but on the bright side, I’m never bored!
Another strange phenomenon is people assuming that just because I spend most of my time mucking around with a sewing machine, I have anything resembling skills and talent. The requests for random items of clothing I can handle, as I treat each project as a learning experience, but the offers of payment are a little strange, anything beyond the cost of the materials seems like highway robbery to me. A brief stint in retail must have broken my brain, getting paid to do something that’s amazingly fun and creative feels wrong. Hopefully practice will make perfect. Both with the sewing machine and taking people’s money ^_^


  1. lovely, great blog! and you indeed have much skill and an abundance of talent...

  2. thank you ^_^ looking forward to much aimless rambling in the future!
