Monday 12 December 2011

december contemplations

Christmas and New Year are hurtling towards us at what seems like light speed; all the decorations are out, as are the crazy shoppers; the working year is winding down, and the parties are gearing up.
I feel as though everyone around me is rushing, while I’m simply standing still. Quiet. Contemplative.
2011 has been a bit of rollercoaster ride, I have been so busy that I don’t feel like I’ve had a chance to properly process all the things that have happened, and that it’s all catching up to me all at once at this point in time.
So much has changed this year. So many little blessings have come into the world this year, while some dear old friends have also departed this life. The losses still hurt, and probably will for some time to come. I have made some lovely new friends, and learned how hard it is to choose between hurting a friend or allowing yourself to be hurt.
I have been bombarded with so much new information at uni that I’m still not sure how much has been absorbed. I don’t feel like I’ve I learned enough, but I never do. One more internship, hopefully early next year, and I will have completed my diploma, then its (hopefully!) on to employment in the museum sector, which will bring a whole new set of challenges that I don’t yet feel completely prepared for.
Yep, 2012 is coming, ready or not… Here’s hoping its filled with less drama and more love.