Saturday, 20 October 2012

October excuses

As you probably may have guessed by now, I'm a bit of a lazy blogger (in my defense I am also pretty boring and don’t usually have much to talk about). Nonetheless, bad me for not posting anything for October yet!

I am still soldiering along in the Regency sewing challenge, my project for September is very close to completion but I had a mishap with my sewing machine about a week ago where I accidentally put my finger through, and on top of a rather painful sewn finger, I also snapped my needle and haven’t been brave enough to change it until now... but finger is now on the and not swollen and bleeding everywhere (seriously, I do NOT recommend sewing yourself!) and I have braved the change of needle and finished the little sundress that was in progress when I sewed myself.

I have also been busy forgetting about my graduation and having to scramble at the last minute to hire academic dress, but I got there despite the best efforts of my terrible memory and the freight train that broke down on the track ahead of my train.

The only thing left to distract me from my sewing is a trip to Ikea on Monday, but hopefully the Ikea-induced euphoria will translate into desire to sew.

Lookin' academic in my robes at the University of Sydney (or, as I usually called it, Hogwarts)