Saturday, 24 September 2011

on this grey saturday...

I finally found a moment to stop by my blog, and yes, I’m feeling a little ashamed that I haven’t had anything interesting to share the last couple of weeks (or should I say months?), but uni is taking up pretty much all of my time at the moment.
It’s slightly depressing having to stay inside chained to the computer while it’s sunny and gorgeous outside, but at least the end in somewhat in sight… another six weeks and about nine thousand words over four assignments and I’ll be done with uni for another year, so standby for the deliriously happy post about that wonderful event.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

smells like spring

Spring is in the air, you can smell it amongst the lavender and the jasmine, the fresh cut grass and the salty sea breeze. Many will say that it’s a lovely and welcome smell after a long, cold Winter, but I, for one, am always sad to see Winter go. I enjoy being rugged up indoors with a roaring fire, a good book and a nice hot chocolate, and I like being able to go outside when its cold and not having to worry about getting sunburned, or attacked by mosquitoes and leeches, but c’est la vie. I will simply have to take advantage of the lovely warm (but not too warm) weather to get as much done in the garden as possible before it gets too hot and I’m forced to retreat to the pool. I have added two apple trees to my little orchard out the front, and two new raised garden beds out the back. I’m thinking I might plant some onions and potatoes, but I’m not sure what else to plant… Never mind, the Springtime Flora Festival will provide the answers, as it usually does.
Now if only my uni assignments would do themselves so I could go outside and enjoy the sunshine and flowers!